Sunday 19 May 2013

Summative Gun: Texture WIP

Diffuse map. First colour blocked the main pieces according to my concept art. Now I'm working my way through adding details, highlights, shadows and scratches. Got a long way to go though.
This is what my UV's and hand painted textures are currently looking like so far.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Summative Gun: Normal Maps

This was my first attempt at generating a Normal map using the two different mesh.  This was created in maya and I was not very pleased with the result. I am still unsure why it is has so much noise?

This was my second attempt in a different package. This time I used XNormal and it produced a far nicer result.
This is the XNormal map in a quick render test to see how it looked. Happy enough that it seems to be doing what it should.

Summative Gun: Zbrush detail

Using Zbrush to add detail to then Normal map onto the mesh. I used a tool cause ZappLink with Photoshop to create stencils or where I wanted the detail to be.

Summative Gun: Wireframe

This is my 2000 poly limit gun mesh. Mine is at 1952. Had to bring it down from 2300 and managed to delete some faces that were kicking around on the inside that you don't actually see.